We Invite submissions to our biannual journal
Submission Format
Please, submit your essay to the Editor Maria Falk de Losada.
Format: should be LaTeX, TeX, or Microsoft Word, accompanied by another copy in pdf.
Illustrations: must be inserted at about the correct place of the text of your submission in
one of the following formats: jpeg, pdf, tiff, eps, or mp. Your illustration will not be redrawn.
Resolution of your illustrations must be at least 300 dpi, or, preferably, done as vector
illustrations. If a text is needed in illustrations, use a font from the Times New Roman family in 11 pt.
Start: with the title in BOLD 14 pt, followed on the next line by the author(s)� name(s) in italic 11 pt.
Main Text: Use a font from the Times New Roman family in 11 pt.
End: with your name-address-email and your web site (if any).
Include: your high resolution small photo and a concise professional summary of your works and titles.
Best wishes,
Maria Falk de Losada, Editor, Mathematics Competitions
Past President, WFNMC