

Francisco Bellot Rosado

Francisco Bellot Rosado received the BA degree from University of Madrid in 1963 and has been associated with the Institute Emilio Ferrari of Valladolid in some capacity since 1966, serving both as secretary and as principal, and later as Associate Professor in the department of Algebra, Geometry and Topology.

After serving two years as deputy leaders of the Spanish Olympiad team in 1988 and 1989, he served for the next 8 years as team leader. He has been an active contributor to conferences of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions He has also been as avid contributor to problem journals such as to Crux Mathematicorum, the MAA Monthly, and Math Magazine. He has served as European representative of the WFNMC since 1996.

One of Francisco's recommenders said, referring to his Pravets (1994) talk, "was about the practice of recycling competition problems in the problem creation and problem selection. He argued that for the sake of problem culture as well as for practical applications, e.g. mathematics competitions, originality was constantly required. Speaking softly, he delivered a true challenge."

Also Francisco Bellot-Rosado has been a very influential figure in another prestigious mathematical contest that involves more than twenty-five countries: the "Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Matematica" conducted by the "O. E. I." ( Organizacion de los Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura or "Organization of the Iberoamerican States for Education, Science, and Culture". "Iberoamerican" meaning all Latin American countries plus Spain and Portugal ). Additionally, Francisco is noted for single-handedly founding a Mediterranean Regional Mathematics Olympiad.

Again quoting from a letter of nomination, "As an O. E. I.'s international expert, Francisco Bellot has visited many Latin American countries promoting the mathematical olympiads idea, taking care of organizational matters as well as technical aspects like frequent lectures and workshops about mathematical problem solving for students, "mathletes", and teachers. The efforts, orientation, and help from Francisco Bellot made it possible, in 1996, that Costa Rica became the first Central American country in being home for the XI O. E. I.'s Mathematical Olympiad. Presently, he is working on the organization and initiation of a new international mathematical olympiad for the six Central American countries and we are sure he will succeed as usual."

The photo above shows Francisco receiving his award from Professor Ron Dunkley, President of WFNMC, in Tokyo on Friday 4 August, 2000.


