Founding meeting, Adelaide 1984
The Minutes of the inaugural meeting can be found here.
We are trying to construct, as much as possible, a list of the 20 mathematicians present. In addition to the 8 of
the inaugural committee, we can add George Berzsenyi (USA), Tony Gardiner (GB),
Jan van de Craats (Netherlands), Ricardo Losada (Colombia),
Peter Taylor (Australia), Josephine Edwards (Australia), Lloyd Auckland (Canada),
and possibly Murray Klamkin and Sam Greitzer (both USA).
Others who were registered participants of ICME-5, and who may have attended, include
Arthur Engel (West Germany), Claude Deschamps (France), John Hersee (GB), John Webb (South Africa)
George Lenchner (Math Olympiad for Elementary School, USA), Ed Jacobsen (UNESCO, France), George Booker (Australia).
Can you help? If so please email Peter Taylor.