WFNMC Mini-Conference
WFNMC will hold a mini conference on Saturday 05 July 2008 in Monterrey. For those WFNMC members who wish to attend
there will be no registration charge. The only extra cost will be that of your hotel and meals for an extra day or so, if
you are attending ICME-11 (whose first day is Sunday 06 July).
This will also allow us to use our allotted ICME hours on official business and discussions, a program
for which will be released soon.
A preliminary programme is given below. In order to assist with planning we ask anyone intending
to attend to advise Maria. Formal registration is not otherwise intended.
Maria is also coordinating the WFNMC allocated hours during ICME-11 and a program for this is also
shown below.
Programme, 05 July
Venue: Universidad Aut�noma de Nuevo Le�n
8:15 Transport leaving from Crowne Plaza Hotel to Universidad Aut�noma de Nuevo Le�n
9:00 � 9:50 |
Petar Kenderov, Bulgaria |
Is Elementary Mathematics Elementary? |
9:50 � 10:15 |
Andy Edwards, Australia |
Reach Problems |
10:15 � 10:40 |
Leo Schneider, USA |
New York State Mathematics League Contest Problems |
10:40 � 11:00 |
Break. �Refrigerio� |
11:00 � 12:00 |
Alexander Soifer, USA |
Building a Bridge |
12:00 � 12:25 |
Frank De Clerck, Belgium |
On the impact of the Flemish Mathematical Olympiad on
the curriculum of mathematics in high school |
12:30 � 13:30 |
Break, �Almuerzo� |
13:30 � 14:15 |
Josef Moln�r, Jaroslav �vrcek, Czech Republic |
About new methods of youth creativity competitions |
14:15 � 14:45 |
Romualdas Ka�uba, Lithuania |
Venid y Ved |
14:45 � 15:15 |
Andy Liu, Canada |
Workshop on problem creation. Non-competitive problems |
14:45 � 15:15 |
Sergei Pozdnyakov, Russia |
Workshop on problem creation. Computer-based problems |
15:15 � 15:30 |
Break. �Refrigerio� |
15:30 - 17:00 |
Andy Liu, Canada |
Workshop on problem creation. Non-competitive problems |
15:30 - 17:00 |
Sergei Pozdnyakov, Russia |
Workshop on problem creation. Computer-based problems |
17:15 Transport leaving from Universidad Aut�noma de Nuevo Le�n to Crowne Plaza Hotel
Venue: Museo de la Historia de M�xico
19:00 � 19:45 Private tour of the Museum
19:45 � 21:00 �Cena�
Tuesday 08 July, 1630 to 1830
WFNMC Session 1
- Announcements from President
- ErdösAward presentations
- Peter Taylor: Status of ICMI Study 16, Challenging Mathematics in and beyond the Classroom
- Questions and discussion
- Announcements about WFNMC6 (Riga, Latvia, 2010)
Friday 11 July, 1700 to 1900
WFNMC Session 2
- Report on the Journal Mathematics Competitions
- Discussion on future activities of WFNMC
- Elections