1000 - 1100 |
Grand Opening of the Congress |
1100 - 1200 |
by WFNMC President Maria Falk de Losada (Colombia) |
Expanding the horizons of challenging mathematics:
students, teachers and schools |
1210 - 1410 |
Section 3A: Competitions around the World |
Ali Rejali (Iran): Statistics Competitions in Iran |
Husain Al Attas and Khaled M. Furati (Saudi Arabia): KFUPM Math
Olympiad in Saudi Arabia: Impact and Challenges |
Nazar Agakhanov and Daud Mamiy (Russia): South Mathematical Tournament |
Mohammad Hossein Pourkazemi (Iran): The Iranian International Scientific Mathematics Olympiad |
1210 - 1410 |
Section 3B: Competitions around the World |
Kevin McAvaney (Australia): Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad |
Benjamin A. Burton (Australia): A report on the 2010 Informatics Olympiad workshop |
Alexander Domoshnitsky, Vadim Bugaenko and Roman Yavich (Israel): International
Internet Mathematical Competitions for University Students |
Vadim Bugaenko (Israel): Problem selection for the International
Mathematics Internet Olympiad |
1410-1510 |
Lunch |
1515 - 1615 |
Plenary I: Andris Ambainis (Latvia) |
Some Olympiad Problems in Combinatorics and their Generalizations |
1630 - 1815 |
Workshop A: Howard Groves, Dean Bunnell, James, Welham and David Crawford (UK):
Turning Routine Problems into Interesting Problems. |
1630 - 1815 |
Workshop B: Kevin McAvaney (Australia): Challenge Problems for Middle School |
1830 |
Dinner |
1000 - 1130 |
Section 2A: Creating Problems and Problem Solving |
Francisco Bellot-Rosado (Spain): Some Problems from Training of a Junior Olympiad |
Benjamin A. Burton (Australia): Problem setting in mathematics and
informatics: Weaving proof into Programming |
Robert Geretschl�ger (Austria); Folding Questions � A Paper about Problems about Paper |
1000 - 1130 |
Section 2B: Creating Problems and Problem Solving |
Kiril Bankov (Bulgaria): Partition of a Polygon into Triangles |
Iliana Tsvetkova (Bulgaria): Applications of Semi-Invariants in
Solving Math Competition Problems |
Romualdas Ka�uba (Lithuania): Adaptation of Problems and Solutions |
1145 - 1345 |
Section 1: Building Bridges between Research and Competitions Problems |
Borislav Lazarov (Bulgaria): Monster Problems Design and
Sense-of-Mathematics Building |
Nevena Koleva & Jordan Tabov (Bulgaria): On the Fermat Problem |
Georges Lion (France) and Maurice Starck (New Caledonia): Discrete groups of
isometries of the plane |
Andrejs Cibulis (Latvia): Some Bridges among Contest, Research and Unsolved Problems |
1400 - 1500 |
Lunch |
1515 - 1615 |
Plenary II: Alexander Soifer (USA) |
Between the Line and the Plane: |
Chromatic �tude in 6 Movements |
1630 - 1815 |
Workshop C: Romualdas Ka�uba (Lithuania):
Converting Problem to an Art Event and Vice Versa |
1630 - 1815 |
Workshop D: Vincent J. Matsko (USA): Grammars, Regular Expressions,
and Finite-State Automata |
1830 |
Dinner |
1000 - 1130 |
Section 4A: Work with Students and Teachers |
Ildar S. Safuanov and Valery A. Gusev (Russia): Fostering thinking abilities
of pupils for mathematical competitions |
Jaroslav �vrcek and Josef Moln�r (Czech Republic): Support of the work with
mathematically gifted pupils in the Czech Republic using of grants of European Social Funds |
Vincent J. Matsko (USA): Having Students Write Original Problems |
1000 - 1130 |
Section 4B: Work with Students and Teachers |
David Kennedy (Australia): Preparing Upper Primary and Lower Secondary students
for Mathematical Problem Solving Competitions. |
Maksim Ivanov (Estonia): Number 2010 theory problems for 6-8 grade students |
Cheng Chun Chor-Litwin (Hong Kong): Solving the problem
of number of zero in the expansion of n! |
1145 - 1315 |
Section 4A: Work with Students and Teachers |
Oleksiy Yevdokimov (Australia): Links between problems and their role in students�
preparation to mathematical contests |
Sergey Dorichenko (Russia): Math classes in Moscow schools no.57 and 179 |
Nikolay Konstantinov (Russia): Math classes in Russia |
1145 - 1315 |
Section 4B: Work with Students and Teachers |
Quan K. Lam and Zhou Guozhen (China): The state of national
math competitions in China - the country that produced the most number of gold medal
winners in IMO - and the future of international math competitions. |
Luis G�mez S�nchez A. (Venezuela): Another perspective on a
famous problem IMO 1988: the equation (x2+y2)/(xy+1)=n2 |
Petar S. Kenderov (Bulgaria): Higher Ability Students and Inquiry Based
Learning in Bulgaria � the role of European Projects InnoMathEd and Fibonacci |
1330 - 1415 |
Talk & Discussion: Sergey Dorichenko (Russia): |
Selected Problems from the Tournament of Towns |
1420 - 1520 |
Lunch |
1530 - 1630 |
Plenary III: Matti Lehtinen (Finland) |
Eyewitnessing the IMO - Decades of Stability and Change |
1645 - 1800 |
Talk & Discussion: Peter Taylor (Australia): |
1630 - 1815 |
ICMI Study 16 - The Aftermath |
1830 |
Dinner |