WFNMC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING notes July 2014, Barranquilla, Colombia
Alexander Soifer, president, opened the meeting.
Sergey Dorichenko, secretary, read out proposals from the Executive Committee:
- The Executive moves to extend the terms of all officers composing the Executive
committee by 2 years, ending at the 2018 WFNMC Congress, and to hold elections of the
officers every 4 years at the Congress of WFNMC.
- The Executive moves that all members of the Executive, elected after the approval
of this motion, are required to attend all meetings of the Executive, except when emergency
circumstances beyond their control prevent their attendance.
Voted in favor of the 1st proposal: 18 people
Voted against the 1st proposal: 0 people
Abstained: 0 people
Voted in favor of the 2nd proposal: 17 people
Voted against the 2nd proposal: 0 people
Abstained: 2 people
A short address by Mike Clapper followed.
Alexander thanked Maria de Losada and all Colombian organizers for a great conference.
Maria de Losada thanked all the participants for their reports.
Alexander Soifer closed the meeting.
Recorded by the Secretary,
Sergei Dorichenko